Why Social Media Analytics Companies Fail at Social Media

Posted : May 8, 2018

Word Count: 1314 

( 4 Min )

If you run a social media analytics company, you understand the importance of social media for business owners. But are you using it effectively when marketing your own company to potential clients or are you making critical social media mistakes? Often, social analytics companies spend time analyzing the effectiveness of every one of their customer’s tweets, but they’re not doing the same for their own social media efforts.

While you might post regularly on channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram, these messages might not be having the right effect on your target audience. Find out why so many social media analytics companies are failing themselves and what you can do to improve the results of your social marketing campaign.

Dedicate Adequate Resources to Social Media Marketing

One of the biggest social media mistakes your analytics company can make is not having enough resources devoted to social media marketing and content marketing in general. When asked “What do technology startups struggle with most when it comes to marketing?”, Marty Zwilling, Founder & CEO of Startup Professionals, Inc., states, “Technologists believe that their new technology is so exciting, it will sell itself. The result is an age-old dream that ‘if we build it, they will come.’”

You might think that social media is easier said than done, but if you or a member of your team is simply whipping up a tweet before you move onto other tasks, you’re missing the point. Every message your company posts on social media should be geared towards helping potential clients understand the benefits of social media analytics and how it can improve the reach of their company. This goes beyond just skipping social media mistakes.

This means having enough manpower in place to come up with an effective strategy for your social media campaign. You’ll need lots of input in terms of what your strategy should include, what kinds of business owners and potential clients you want to appeal to, and knowing which features and aspects of your service you should promote. Remember that spending on social media marketing has gone up every year since 2014, with companies spending around $13.5 billion in 2017 alone. Ensure that you don’t get left in the dust by beefing up your social media marketing team.

Educate, Don’t Alienate

Social media analytics is a relatively new phenomenon in the world of digital marketing. This makes it ripe for social media mistakes. With so many trends and statics to keep up with, your target audience could use some enlightening on the matter. No one is going to sign up for your analytics services unless they understand what they have to gain from working with your company. Small business owners have a lot on their plate, and they’ll appreciate the helping hand. You can make it easier on them by clearly communicating the benefits of your services and how to use them.

social media mistakes

Do More With Your Analytics

Social media analytics can be a generic term, and many of your potential clients won’t understand everything your service provides. Your analytics software is bound to be filled with complicated algorithms, search tools, and a customizable interface with lots of moving parts. So how are any of your clients going to make use of these tools or sign up for your services unless they understand what they’re getting in return?

Even if someone stumbles onto your website, they might decide that social media analytics is just all too confusing and may opt out altogether. This is yet another set of social media mistakes. Instead of alienating potential clients, you can coax them into subscribing to your services by speaking their language.

Quick Tips to Bolster Your Strategy

Use some of these social media tips to improve your company’s marketing strategy:

  • Create unique posts for clients in different industries that highlight the benefits of analytics.
  • Empower the user by showing them how to use your software.
  • Give them a peek behind the scenes at how your analytics software works.
  • Highlight success stories and case studies based on your other clients’ real experiences.

Creating an effective social media campaign is a common problem, so don’t beat yourself up if your posts aren’t getting the results you’re looking for. In fact, 43% of digital marketers say social media is one of their most effective tactics, but 49% call it one of the most difficult. It’s also an easy place to start social media mistakes.

Use Current Events to Your Advantage

If you want to make your social media content more appealing and actionable, don’t forget to keep your finger on the pulse of your client’s industry. If you know what world your clients live in, focus on pitching your company in a way that speaks your client’s specific interests. You can use the latest statistics or a recent news story as a way of highlighting the features of your analytics service. While all those generic social media marketing statistics can be great fodder for tweets, you can also try incorporating some of the events that are happening in your client’s industry.

As internet marketing consultant Jordan Kasteler suggests,


“Use content that brings two topics together: one mainstream topic and one niche-related topic. For example, tie a current event to your business industry.”

Final Words

If your social media analytics company is making social media mistakes and struggling with your own strategy, try using a more tailored approach based on what you know about your target audience. Try to educate potential clients as much as possible without alienating them with overly technical language. If you need help with your social media marketing strategy, contact the professional team of writers at Article-Writing for more news and advice.

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