How To Write A Press Release For Your Brand
For a business to experience the maximum benefits from its marketing efforts, successful ones put out a barrage of quality content. Social media posts, blog posts, video/audio content, and the almighty press release provide opportunities for potential customers to...
The Ultimate Guide To Becoming A Thought Leader
In this day and age, it appears that every entrepreneur, marketer and publisher wants to know how to become a thought leader. The advantages of being seen as one reads like a recipe for true happiness. Respect Trust Attention Prestige It should work wonders for sales...
Writing And Promoting Compelling Content According To Neil Patel: Part 2
Recently we talked with none other than Neil Patel, the man behind companies such as Crazy Egg and KISSmetrics. We asked him about what he sees as the issues facing companies in their marketing and content writing endeavors, and in Part 1 of this 2-part series we...