Getting people to read your blog is one thing, but what about turning these readers into subscribers? Or to take things one step further, turning your subscribers into customers? After all, many blogs exist simply as a way of attracting new consumers to a business. If...
If you’re starting a blog as a way of promoting your business, you’re probably interested in starting a SEO or search optimization campaign as a way to boost traffic to your blog. This means using certain keywords in the copy of your blog posts, so your website will...
In order to find traffic for your blog, you need to come up with great ideas for your blog posts. After all, no one wants to read a blog with boring, stale topics. If people can find the same topics and similarly written blog posts all over the internet, your blog...
Content has now become one of the most important aspects of marketing for any industry in North America, as well as globally. It is estimated that content marketing will be a $300 billion industry by 2019. Businesses are getting on the content train and taking their...
Famous blogger Dick Costolo once said, “The Internet destroyed most of the barriers to publication. The cost of being a publisher dropped to almost zero with two interesting immediate results: anybody can publish, and more importantly, you can publish whatever you...
Writing is not just about putting words and sentences together in proper grammatical order.
Writing is about having something to say. It’s about living and sharing something that has never been shared before. It’s about making a connection with your reader and delivering value in a concise format.
Content is the backbone of your digital presence. Everything you publish defines who you are.
What you get with is a completely managed writing service. Our work is delivered after going through the draconian hands of a two layer copy edit, meaning your delivery is always ready to publish.
Cost effective and efficient, we eliminate wasted time at the client level. Let a professional and reliable team of outside writers take content and copy work off your hands. Contact an representative today!