How to Choose the Best Keywords for Your Blog
If you’re starting a blog as a way of promoting your business, you’re probably interested in starting a SEO or search optimization campaign as a way to boost traffic to your blog. This means using certain keywords in the copy of your blog posts, so your website will...
How to Find Content Ideas for Your Blog and How Often You Should Post
In order to find traffic for your blog, you need to come up with great ideas for your blog posts. After all, no one wants to read a blog with boring, stale topics. If people can find the same topics and similarly written blog posts all over the internet, your blog...
How to Boost Blog Traffic
Does this sound familiar?You come up with a genius idea for a blog topic that you know for a fact your readers are going to love. You spend an entire Sunday banging out that blog content. After you create your content masterpiece, you publish the blog and promote it...